Friday, August 24, 2012

#GOP2012 Friday August 24

You can still get into Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park, but it's empty and looks unfriendly:

Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park

The slogan at the Florida Museum of Photographic Arts is "See what's developing", but for security reasons the building is fenced off and a plastic tarp covers the windows:

"See what's developing."

Some parks weren't completely finished:

The "Danger" sign in context.

The solution is to put signs like this around the dirt:


Barricades have been erected along the waterfront:

Barricade along the waterfront.

And boats patrol off shore:

Boat check

The organizers aren't sure where everything is yet:

"Tampa Bay Times Forum And Hotel Access"

Put they have planned where the news crews will be, in chalk outside the Convention Center:


The border between CBS and Fox.

The border between Fox and CNN.

The lighting of the Tampa Bay Times Forum has been completed:

Tampa Bay Times Forum

And if you're lucky you can catch the moonrise:

Moonrise over the Republican National Convention

The History Museum has been fenced off:

Tampa Bay History Center

As have a few roads:

Behind a barricade

The old town hall:

Barricades around the old town hall

And even empty buildings:

Unused buildings being fenced off

Professional photographers are starting to appear:

Professional photographer at RNC

They're taking pictures of things like this (a wall of flags decorating a parking garage):

Wall of flags on parking garage

More flags

The banks are closed:

Woman sweeping in closed banks

But if you have money you can visit the anti-Obama store (which, as I told the tourists, wasn't there last week):

Anti-Obama store

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