Sunday, December 22, 2013

Saint Petersburg Street Art

Haven't done on post about street art in awhile, but what I saw in Saint Petersburg today really got me excited. It's like they have a whole new art gallery!

Here are some glimpses of what you're missing:

So many colors!

Mermaid doll dentist

Sticker art canisters

Saints of Saint Petersburg

Frida Kahlo

Street art alley

Mural in Saint Petersburg

Blue man manta mermaid aquarium


  1. The more you shall honor Me,
    the more I shall bless you
    -the Infant Jesus of Prague
    (that means NO BOOFIN ALLOWED...
    ...or I fear for your soul.
    You've been warned, brudda.
    After this, if you decide to boof
    summore and you're condemned,
    didn't I warn you? Yeah. Thot so)

    trustNjesus, brudda,
    and wiseabove to Seventh-Heaven.
    God bless your indelible soul.

  2. The more you shall honor Me,
    the more I shall bless you
    -the Infant Jesus of Prague
    (that means NO BOOFIN ALLOWED...
    ...or I fear for your soul.
    You've been warned, brudda.
    After this, if you decide to boof
    summore and you're condemned,
    didn't I warn you? Yeah. Thot so)

    trustNjesus, brudda,
    and wiseabove to Seventh-Heaven.
    God bless your indelible soul.
